A Lunatic's Asylum
a Funeral in Heaven
Friday, February 21, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
This Monologue happened back in midNovember 2023 at the University Psychiatric Ward 59! Between a patient with MDD and BPD who almost went through with taking his ownlife and his newly appointed psychologist! After conversing for almost 3.30hours the psychologist gave this monologue to her patient who's still in a very fragile state of mind! That's why she talks so smoothingly to him here! Almost like his guardian angel or someone! But dwelving into the next six months of their sessions he improved and along the way she gradually increased the gap between them, sometimes acknowledging him, othertimes with suble gestures!
Here we go!
"āļ¸ේ āļ¯ැāļąුāļ් āļāļēා āļāļą්āļąේ āļොāļŠාāļ් āļāļŊුāˇ āļ āˇුāļŊ් āˇෙāļŊා āļąේāļ¯?
āļāļēාāļේ āļāļŊුāˇ āļāļුāļŊ āˇෙāļą āļාāļ§āˇāļ් āļේāļģෙāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ,
āļිāˇිāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ āļŊāˇ්āˇāļąāļ් āļāļēාāļ§ āļේāļģෙāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ,
āļිāļēāļŊා āˇිāļෙāļąāˇා āļāļ¸āļēි āļāˇාāļą්!
āļāˇෙāļ¸ āļāļąේ āļāļēාāļ§ āļාāļŊāļēāļ් āļිāˇ්āˇේ āļāļą āļ¯ේāˇāļŊ් āļąිāˇා,
āļāˇා āļැāļą āļāˇāļģāļēāļ් āļąැāļුāˇ āļāļŊුāˇ āļāļුāļŊෙāļ¸ āļāļēාāļේ thoughts loop āļāļą āļąිāˇා āļāˇාāļą්!
āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļēාāļ§ "āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේ āļැāļąāļ¸ āļොāļŠාāļ් āˇිāļāļą්āļą āļāļ´ා!" āļිāļēāļŊා āļ¯ැāļą්āļ¸āļ¸ āļිāļēāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ āļāˇාāļą්!
But could you just try to think about this for me!
Think about this exact moment!
āļāļēාāļ§ āˇෙāļą āļāˇුāļģුāˇāļ්āļ¸ āļāļąේ āļąෑ, āļāļēා āˇ āļāļ¸ āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļą්āļąāˇා! āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļēාāˇ āļේāļģුāļ¸් āļāļą්āļą āļොāļŠාāļ් try āļāļģāļąāˇා! I Promise!!
āļāˇාāļą්, āļāļēා āļ āļ¸්āļ¸āˇ, āļාāļ්āļāˇ, āļēාāļŊුāˇāļą්āˇ, āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ¸ āļ āļ āļāļģāļŊා, āļ āļ¸āļāļ āļāļģāļŊා āļēāļą්āļąāļ¸ āļēāļą්āļą āˇැāļ¯ුāˇා āļ¸ාāˇෙāļāļ§ āļāļŊිāļą්! āļ¯ැāļąුāļ් āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ¸ āļāļŊුāˇෙāļą් āļ āļ¸āļāļ āļāļģāļŊා āļ āļ´ි āļ¸ේ āļāļą්āļą āļැāļąāļēි āˇāļ§ෙāļēි āļ´ොāļŠ්āļŠāļ් āˇෙāļŊා observe āļāļģāļą්āļą try āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļāļēා āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļļැāļģි āļąāļ¸්, āļ¸ං āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļāļ āļāļģāļą්āļą!
āļ¸āļේ perfume āļāļේ āˇුāˇāļŗේ āļිāļēෙāļą notes āļāļ්āļ āļ¯ැāļąෙāļą āˇැāļ¸ āˇුāˇāļŗāļ¸, āļුāļģුāļŊ්āļŊāļą්āļේ āˇāļ¯්āļ¯ේ, āˇාāˇāļą āļēāļą āļāļą āˇāļ¯්āļ¯, āˇුāˇ āļේ āˇāļ¯්āļ¯ේ, āļ āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේ āļැāļąāļ¸ concentrate āļāļģāļą්āļą! Push āļāļģāļą්āļą āļāļ´ා, āļąිāļ¯āˇāˇේ āļāˇා āļāˇෙāļą්āļą āļ¯ැāļąෙāļą්āļą āļ¯ෙāļą්āļą!
āļāļēාāļ§ āļොāļŠාāļ් āļŊāˇ්āˇāļą āļ¯ේāˇāļŊ් āļ´ෙāļąෙāļēි, āļāˇෙāļēි, āļ¯ැāļąෙāļēි!
āˇāˇāˇ āļ āˇ්āˇ āļොāļŠාāļ් āļŊāˇ්āˇāļąāļēි āļāˇාāļą්! āļ āļ āˇ්āˇāļ් āˇāļąීāļ´āļēි! āļāļē āļāļą āˇුāˇ āļ āļ¸ූāļąේ, āļāļේ āˇāļ¯ිāļ¯්āļ¯ී āļāļ āļ¯ැāļąෙāļą āˇිāļ¯ිāˇ āļැāļą āˇිāļāļą්āļą! āļ āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ¸ āļāļēාāˇ āļොāļŠාāļ් relax āļāļģāļąāˇා āļąේāļ¯? āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āļ¸ේ āļāļāļ§ āļāļą්āļą moment āļāļāļ¸ āļŊāˇ්āˇāļąāļēි āļąේāļ¯ āļොāļŠාāļ්!? āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļāļ¸, āļŊāˇ්āˇāļąāļ් āļිāļēෙāļąāˇා āļāˇාāļą්, āļ āļ´ි āļāļą්āļą āļ āˇුāļŊ් āļāļ්āļ āļ āļŊāˇ්āˇāļą āˇāļ¸āˇāļģ āˇෙāļŊේāļ§ āļ āļ´ිāļ§ āļේāļģෙāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ! āļāļ්āļෝ āļāļŊිāļą් āļŊāˇ්āˇāļą āļැāļąāļ් āļ¸ිāˇ් āˇෙāļąāˇා! āļąැāļ්āļāļą් āļāˇ්āˇāļģāˇāļ§ āļāˇෙāļ¸ āļāˇ්āˇා āļāļą්āļąේ āļąැāļි āˇෙāļēි āļිāļēāļŊා worry āˇෙāļąāˇා! āļāļ් āļ¸ේ āˇෙāļŊාāˇෙāļ් āļŊāˇ්āˇāļą āļ¯ේāˇāļŊ් āļ āļ´ි āˇāļ§ේāļ§ āˇෙāļąāˇා āļිāļēāļą āļāļ āļ āļģ āļ¯ෙāļ āļ āļ´ිāļ§ āļ āļ¸āļāļ āļāļģāˇāļąāˇා! āļāļ āļąිāˇා āļāļē āˇිāļ āˇāļģි āļ´āļģිāˇ්āˇāļ¸ිāļą් present moment āļāļේāļ¸ āļිāļēාāļෙāļą āļāļą්āļą āļļāļŊāļą්āļą! āļ¸āļ¸ āˇාāļ¸ාāļą්āļēෙāļą් āļ´ිāļģිāļ¸ි āļෙāļąෙāļ්āļ§ āļŊāˇ්āˇāļąāļēි āļිāļēāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ! āļāļ් āļāļēා āļŊāˇ්āˇāļąāļēී! āļāļēාāļේ āļāˇ āļ¸āˇāļ āļිāļēෙāļąāˇා! āˇāļģිāļ¸ intellectual appearance āļāļāļ් āļිāļēෙāļąāˇා! āļāļ් āļāļ āļāļēාāļේ āļ āˇුāļŊ් āˇෙāļŊා āļීāļą thoughts āˇāļŊිāļą් āˇැāˇිāļŊා!
āļ cloudy āļāļිāļē āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąāļ¸ āļāļāļු āˇෙāļŊා āļ āļēිāļą් āļāļģāļą්āļą āļ§්āļģāļēි āļāļģāļ¸ු!
āļ¸āļ§ āļāļēāļ් āļāļ්āļ āˇැāļ¸āļ¯ාāļ¸āļ් āļāļą්āļą āˇෙāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ āļāˇාāļą්! āļāļ් āļ¸āļ¸ āļ´ොāļģොāļą්āļ¯ු āˇෙāļąāˇා āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āļāˇ්āˇāļģāˇāļ§ āļ¸ේ āļāļāļ§ āļāļą්āļą āˇāļ¸්āļļāˇෙāļą āļාāļŊෙāļ§ āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļēාāļ§ āļāļēා āļොāļ ්āļ āļģ worth āļ¸āļąුāˇ්āˇāļēෙāļ්āļ¯, āļ¸ේ āļŊෝāļෙāļ§ āļāļą āļ¸āļąුāˇ්āˇāļēෙāļ්āļ¯ āļිāļēāļŊා āļāļēාāļ§āļ¸ āļේāļģෙāļą āˇිāļ¯ිāˇāļ§ āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ¸ explain āļāļģāļąāˇා āļිāļēāļŊා! āļ¸āļ¸ āļිāļēāļŊා āļ¯ෙāļą techniques āˇāļŊිāļą් āļāļēාāļ§ āˇිāļāļ§ āļ¯ැāļąෙāļą āļāļģāļą්āļą āļ´ුāļŊුāˇāļą් āļ§ිāļ āļāļ āļ¯ිāļāļ§ āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා āļāļēා āˇිāļ āļāļුāļŊෙāļą් āˇිāļąා āˇෙāļąāˇා āļāļි āļāļ āļāˇāļ¯ාāˇāļ් āˇෙāļą්āļąෙ āļąෑ, āļ¸āļ¸ āˇāļģිāļ¸ naive āļ¸āļ§ āļāļēාāˇ āļේāļģෙāļą්āļąේ āļąැāļි āļąිāˇා āļ¸ෙāˇෙāļ¸ āļිāļēāļą්āļąේ āļිāļēāļŊා! āļāļ් āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļą්āļąāˇāļąේ āļ§ිāļ āļාāļŊāļēāļ් āļāļ¯āˇ් āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āˇāļ¸්āļļ āˇෙāļą āˇෙāļŊාāˇāļ§ āļāļģෙāļą්āļą āļ āļąිāļ් āˇැāļ¸ āˇෙāļŊේāļ¸ i will be a msg or a phone call away āļāˇාāļą්! āļāļēාāļ§ āļāļēාāļ§ āļිāļēෙāļą conditions āļැāļą āļොāļŠාāļ් āļŊොāļු insight āļāļāļ් āļිāļēෙāļąāˇා! āļāļ āļąිāˇාāļ¸ āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා āļāļēා āļ¸ොāļą āˇāļේ āļ¸āļąුāˇ්āˇāļēෙāļ්āļ¯ āļිāļēāļŊා! āļොāļ ්āļ āļģ smartāļ¯ āļිāļēāļŊා!
āļāļēා āļ´āˇ āˇෙāļąි āˇැāļģේāļ¸ engineering select āļāļą āļෙāļąෙāļ්! āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļ´ාāļģāļ් try āļāļģāļŊāļ් medical faculty āļēāļą්āļą āļļැāļģි āļāļą āļෙāļąෙāļ්! āļāļ āļąිāˇා āļāļŊිāļąුāļ් āļ¸āļ¸ āļිāˇ්āˇා āˇāļේ āļ¸ං āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļāļē āˇිāļ āˇāļිāļēāļāļ§ āļ´ාāļģāļ් āļ¸ාāˇ āˇāļ¸්āļļ āˇෙāļąāļāļą් āļොāļŠාāļ් āļ´āļģිāˇ්āˇāļ¸ිāļą් present moment āļāļේāļ¸ āļිāļēා āļāļą්āļą try āļāļģāļą්āļą āļāˇාāļą්! I can't protect you from the course of the life Ishan! It’s just a symptom of all our lives āļąේ! But still āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļēා āˇ āļිāļą්āļ¸ āļāļŗāļෙāļą āļāļēාāļේ distorted lenses āļ§ිāļ āļ āļēිāļą් āļāļģāļŊා āļ¯ෙāļą්āļą promise āˇෙāļąāˇා āļāˇාāļą්! Please tell me that you will try too, for the sake of me! I really dont wanna let the world lose a guy like you when i could make you feel yourself again Ishan! I promise i will do that! āļ¯ැāļą් āļ¸āļ¸ āļිāļēාāļ¸ āļ¸ෙāļāļą āļąිāļ¯āˇāˇේ āļāļą්āļą āļāļ¸āļą් āˇāļģි, ward āļāļāļ§ āļිāˇිāļą් āļāļŗāļ§ āˇෙāļŊා āˇāļģි āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āļ¸ෙ āļāļා āļāļģāļ´ුāˇා reckon āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා āļāļēාāļ§ āļ¸ේ āˇෙāļŊාāˇේ āļŊොāļු āļ¯ෙāļēāļ් āļ¯ැāļąෙāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ āļāļēා āļāļą්āļą āļැāļąāļ් āļāļ්āļ! āļāļ් āļ āļ¯ āļ¸ේ āļāļා āļāļģāļ´ු āļ§ිāļ reflect āļāļģāļą්āļą āļāļąිāļēෙāļ¸, āˇැāļ¸ āˇෙāļŊේāļ¸ āļāļēාāļ§ āļāļą thoughts āļැāļą rational āˇෙāļą්āļą āļļāļŊāļą්āļą, logical āˇෙāļą්āļąāļ¸ try āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļāļēා oversensitive, āļāļāļ් āļāļ්āļāļ¸ āļāļēාāļේ empathy āļāļāļ් āˇැāļŠි āļāļąාāļ¸ āļāļēා āļොāļŠාāļ් emotional āˇෙāļąāˇා, āļāļ§ āļ´āˇ්āˇේ āļŊෝāļේ āˇෙāļą āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ§āļ¸ āļāļēාāļේ āļāļŊුāˇ āļāļුāļŊෙāļą් āļāļēාāļ§āļ¸ āļļැāļą āļāļą්āļąāˇා, āļāļēාāļේ self image āļāļ, self confidence āļāļ, āļāˇāļ් āļąැāļි āˇෙāļąāˇා āļ¸ේ process āļāļ āļąිāˇා! BPDāļ් āļāļ්āļ āļāļ āļāļąāˇා! Impulsiveness āļāļිāļē āļ āļ´ි āˇāļ¯ාāļāļ¸ු! āļāļāļ§ DBT Therapy āļāļģāļ¸ු āļāļ āļ¯ිāļāļ§! āļ¸āļ¸ āļąැāļි āļාāļŊෙāļāļ් āļāˇා practice āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļāļිāļą් āˇāļ¸āˇāļģු āļāļģāļą්āļąේ āļ emotions āļ§ිāļ āļāļŊිāļēāļ§ āļ¯ාāļąāˇා, āļාāļ§ āˇāļģි āļļāļąිāļąāˇා, āļāˇāļąāˇා, āļąැāļ්āļāļą් āˇ āļ āļිāļēෙāļą object āļāļāļāļ§ āļāˇāļąāˇා! What you do is, you project all that inwards and you punish yourself for all those things and that's so harsh, severe and way more brutal than projecting them outwards! āļāļēාāļ¸ āˇැāļģāļ¯ිāļēි āļිāļēāļŊා āˇිāļා āļෙāļą āļāļēාāļ§āļ¸ blame āļāļ āļ¯ාāļෙāļą āļ´āˇුāļිāļē āļ āˇුāļģුāļ¯ු āˇāļŊ āļāļą āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļිāļą්āļ¸ āˇිāļāļ§ āļāļ´ු negative thoughts āļ§ිāļ āļ āˇ්āˇේ āˇිāļģ āˇෙāļŊා āļ thoughts āļ§ිāļ āļāˇāļ් reinforce āļāļģāļāļą්āļąāˇා! āˇිāļāļą්āļąāļෝ, āļ āˇුāļģුāļ¯ු āļාāļąāļ් āļිāˇ්āˇේ āļāˇා āļāˇ ිāļēāļ§ āļąොāļ¯ා āļāļēාāļ§āļ¸ āļļැāļą āļāļą්āļąāļොāļ§ āļāļේ impact āļāļ! Affect āļāļ, brain āļāļ wire āˇෙāļą āˇිāļ¯ිāˇ! āļ āļ āļුāˇාāļŊ āļāļģāļāļą්āļą āļāļ´ා āļāˇාāļą්! āļāļ āˇෙāļą්āļąෙāļ් āļāļē āļāļŊිāļą් āļිāļēāļ´ු āļ¯ේāˇāļŊ් āļ§ිāļ āļąිāˇාāļ¸āļēි! āļāļ āļāļ ්āļ āļģāļ§āļ¸ āļ¯āļģුāļĢුāļēි! āļāļēේ āļāˇෙāļ¸ āļāļģ āļāļą්āļą āļāļą āˇෙāļŊාāˇāļ§ āļāļēා āļāļēාāļේ āļ ූāļ§ිāļ¸ āļාāļŊේ āˇිāļ§āļ´ු self āļāļ āļ¸āļāļ් āļāļģāļāļą්āļą! āļāļēා āļ¯ැāļą් āļ¸āļ§ āļ āļģ āļ´ෙāļą්āļąāļ´ු āļāļēාāļ§ āļ āˇුāļģුāļ¯ු āļ¯ෙāļේ, āˇāļāļģේ āˇිāļ§āļ´ු āļ āˇිංāˇāļ āļŊāˇ්āˇāļą āļ ූāļ§ි āļļāļ§්āļ§āˇ āļ¸āļāļ් āļāļģāļāļą්āļą! āļāļēා āļāˇāļ¸ āļāļēාāļේ inner child āˇිāļ¯ිāˇāļ§ āļāļą්āļąāˇා, āļ¸ේ āļ´්āļģāˇ්āļą āˇැāļ¸ āļāļāļිāļą්āļ¸ āļēāļ§ āˇෙāļŊා! āļāˇාāļą් āļāļēා āļāˇෙāļ¸ āļ´්āļģāˇ්āļą āˇāļŊිāļą් pressure āˇෙāļą්āļą āˇෙāļą්āļą āļāļēාāˇ āļොāļŠාāļ් āļාāļŊāļēāļ් pressurized āˇෙāļŊා āˇැāļ¯ෙāļą diamond āļāļāļ් āˇāļේ āļāļģāļāļą්āļą āļļāļŊāļą්āļą! āļāļēාāˇ āļුāˇාāļŊ āļāļģ āļāļąිāļ¯්āļ¯ි āˇැāļ¸ āˇෙāļŊාāˇෙāļ¸ āˇිāļāļą්āļą āļāļēා āļැāļą! āļāļēා āļāļēාāļ§ āļāˇāļ¯ාāˇāļ් āļāˇෙāļ¸ āļāļģāļąāˇāļ¯? āļāļēාāļේ āˇිāļ āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා! āļāļ way too sensitive āļිāļēāļŊා āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා! āļāļ āļąිāˇා āļ āļ ූāļ§ි āļාāļŊෙ āˇිāļ§āļ´ු āļŊāˇ්āˇāļą āˇ āļ¸āļēāļ§ āļ āļ¯ේ āļāļģāļą්āļą āļāļ´ා! āļāļēාāˇ āļ¸āļāļ් āļāļģāļෙāļą āļāļēාāˇ āļ´āļģිāˇ්āˇāļ¸් āļāļģāļāļą්āļą āļāˇාāļą්! āļ¯ැāļąāļ§ āļāļēා āļāļ්āļ āļāļēා āļāļģāˇා āļāļąāļ් āļ āˇ āļ¸āļēා āļැāļą āˇිāļāļŊා āļāļēාāļ§ āļāļģāļ¯āļģāļēāļ් āˇෙāļą්āļą āļąොāļ¯ී āļāļēාāˇ āļāļ¯āļģෙāļą් āļļāļŊා āļāļą්āļą try āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļ āļ¯ āļąිāļ¯ිāļēāļą්āļą āļāļŊිāļą් Yanniāļේ prelude āļිāļēāļą track āļāļ āļ āˇāļą්āļą! āļāļේ āļිāļēෙāļą āļāļ āļāļ musical instruments āˇāļŊ āˇāļ¯්āļ¯ āˇāļŊāļ§ āˇෙāļą āˇෙāļąāļ¸ focus āļāļģāļą්āļą! āļāļ āļāļēාāˇ calm āļāļģāļēි! Anxiety āļ´ොāļŠ්āļŠāļ් āļ āļŠු āˇෙāļēි! āļāļēා āļ track āļāļ already āļ¯āļą්āļą āļąිāˇා āļāˇāļ් āˇොāļŗāļēි! Ward āļāļේāļ¯ි āˇෙāļąāļ¯āļ§ āļොāļ§්āļ§ේ āļēāļ§ āˇෝāļą් āļāļ āļිāļēාāļෙāļą āˇිāļą්āļ¯ු āļ āˇāļąāˇා āˇāļේāļ¸ āļ āļ¯ āļ āļą්āļිāļ¸āļ§ āļāļ āļ¯ාāļෙāļą āļ āˇāļą්āļą! āļāļēාāļ§ āļąිāļą්āļ¯ āļēාāˇි! I promise! āļ¸āļ¸ āˇැāļ¸ āļිāˇ්āˇෙāļ¸ āļāļēāļ් āļāļ්āļ āļāļą්āļąāˇා āļāˇාāļą්! āļ¸āļ¸ āļēāļąāļāļą් āļ¸āļෙāļ් āļāļ්āļ āļ¸ේ āļāļ¸āļą āļēāļ¸ු! āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļēාāˇ judge āļāļģāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ, āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļēා āļāļ්āļ āļāļģāˇා āļāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ, āļāļēාāˇ āļ¸āļ§ liabilty āļāļāļ් āļąෙāļ¸ෙāļēි! You are nothing but a Blessing to me, literally! āļāļēා āļāļ āˇිāˇ්āˇාāˇ āļąොāļāļŊāļ§ āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා! āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąāļ¸ āļāļāļු āˇෙāļŊා āļāļēාāļ§ āļāļē āˇāļ¯ āļ¯ෙāļą āļāļēාāļේ brain āļāļāļēි, mind āļāļāļēි strip down āļāļģāļ¸ු! I wanna see them in their rawest form! āļāļāļොāļ§ All them effed up thoughts , all the secrets you keep from the world which taunt you, all the skeletons in your closet, will get stripped down infront of me! And then i will explain theme one by one, the fact that why they are JUST intrusive thoughts, what they does to your brain, how to tackle them, and how to manipulate them instead of them manipulating you, so that you could rewire your brain, make new neural paths, positive ones Ishan! "Neuroplasticity", do a little research on it! āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āˇāļ¸්āļļ āˇෙāļ¯්āļ¯ි āļāļēා āļāļģāļŊෝāˇුāˇ āļļැāļŗāļෙāļą āļāļą්āļą āļāļ´ා! āļļැāļŗāļෙāļą āļāˇොāļ් āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļ āļāļą්āļąāˇා āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āļāļා āļāļģāļŊා āļāˇāļģ āˇෙāļąāļāļą්! āˇෙāļŊාāˇ āļēāļą āļ¯ිāˇාāˇāļ āļēāļēි āļāˇාāļą්! āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ැāļąāļ§ āļāļēා āļāļ්āļ āļģේāˇ් āļąොāļēා āļāļ¸ු!
āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා āļāļēා āļ¸ේ āˇෙāļŊාāˇේ āļ¸ේāˇා āˇිāˇ්āˇාāˇ āļāļģāļą්āļąේ āļąෑ, āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¸āļේ job āļāļ āļැāļą āˇිāļāļŊāļēි āļ¸ේ āļිāļēāļą āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ේāļ¸ āļිāļēāļą්āļąේ āļāļģāļą්āļąේ āļිāļēāļŊා āļāļēා āˇිāļāļēි! āļāļ් āļāˇෙāļ¸ āļąෑ āļāˇාāļą්, āļ¸āļ§ āļāļ්āļāļ§āļ¸ āļāˇāļēි āļāļēා āˇāļුāļ§ිāļą් āļāļą්āļąāˇා āļ¯āļිāļą්āļą, to see you dream about something, chasing it and achieving it! āļ¸āļ§ āļāļą āļāļ āļ¯āļිāļą්āļą! āļāļ āļąිāˇා āļ āļ¯ āļāļŗāļŊා āļāļēා āļāļąිāļēෙāļ¸ āļąෙāļ¸ෙāļēි! āļāļēාāļ§ āļ¸āļ¸ āļāļą්āļąāˇා! āļāļŊිāļąුāļ් āļිāˇ්āˇා āˇāļේ āļāļē āˇිāļ āļ´āļģිāˇ්āˇāļ¸ිāļą් āļිāļēාāļāļą්āļą! āļāļēා āˇෙāļą fragileāļąේ āļ¯ැāļąāļ§, āļāļ් āļ āļ´ි āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąා āļāļāļු āˇෙāļŊා āļāļēාāˇ āļොāļŠාāļ් optimistic, cheerful, resilient and confident āļෙāļąෙāļ් āļāļģāļ¸ු!
Think of me as your friend, sister, mother! My phone is always online for you! āˇāļģිāļ¯!? āļ āļą්āļිāļ¸āļ§ you won't have to put up with all day long fake smiles to convince others that you are okay, instead āļāļēාāļ§ genuinely āˇිāļąා āˇෙāļŊා āļāļą්āļą āļ´ුāļŊුāˇāļą්! āļāļēා āļ¸āļෙāļ් āļāļ්āļāļ් āļ¯ැāļą් āˇිāļąා āˇෙāˇී āļāļා āļāļŊාāļ§ āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා āļ āļāļ්āļ āˇිāļąාāˇāļ් āļąෙāļ¸ෙāļēි āļිāļēāļŊා! āļ¸ිāļąිāˇ්āˇු āļĸීāˇිāļේ āļැāļą, āļŊෙāļŠ āļැāļą, āļāļēාāļේ situation āļāļ āļැāļą, āˇැāļ¸āļ¯ාāļ¸ āļāļāļ¸ āļ´්āļģāˇ්āļą āļ āˇāļŊා āļāļēා āļāˇāļ§ āļ¸ුāļŊිāļą් shape āˇෙāļą්āļą āļāļ්āļāļģ āļ¯ීāļŊා, āļ´āˇ්āˇේ āˇ āļāļ¸ āļ āļēāļ§ āļāļ්āļāļ¸ āļිāļēāļŊා, āļāļēාāļŊāļ§āļ් āļේāļģෙāļą්āļąේ āļąැāļුāˇ āļāļēාāļ§ execute āļāļģāļą්āļą āļļැāļģි advices āļāļēාāļŊāļෙāļą් āˇāļ¸්āļļ āļāļąාāļ¸ āļාāļŊāļēāļ් āļēāļ¯්āļ¯ි āļāļēාāļŊා āˇිāļāļąāˇා āļāļēාāļ§ āļāļą āļāļ¸āļ් āļąෑ āˇොāļŗ āˇෙāļą්āļą, āļāļēා try āļāļģāļą්āļąෙāˇāļ් āļąෑ āļිāļēāļŊා! āˇāļ¸āˇāļģු āļāļāļąāļ¯ි āļāļēාāļෙāļą් āļāļ් āˇෙāļąāˇා! āļ§ිāļ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļ් āļāļුāļģු āˇෙāļąāˇා! āļāļēා āˇිāļāļģāļēි āļ¯āļą්āļąේ āļ āļāļēාāļŊා āļ¯ෙāļą advices are so obvious, even you know those are the solutions and how many times you have wondered why you cannot do them āļිāļēāļŊා! āļāļ් āļāļē conditions āļāļ්āļ āļāˇා āļāļģāļāļą්āļą āļļෑ, āļāˇා āˇāļģිāļ¸ complicated, confusing, engergy āļāļāļ් āļąෑ āļāˇ්āˇා āļāļģāļą්āļą āļිāļēāļŊා āļāļēා āˇිāļāļģāļēි āļ¯āļą්āļąේ! āļāļ āļāļēාāļŊāļේ āˇැāļģැāļ¯්āļ¯āļ් āļąෙāļ¸ෙāļēි āļිāļēāļŊāļ් āļāļēා āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා! āļāļ¸āļą්āļ§āļ¸ āļ¸ේ āˇāļේ āļ´්āļģāˇ්āļą āļāļąāļāļą් āļාāļ§āˇāļ් āļ¸ේ āļ¯ේāˇāļŊ් āļැāļą āļේāļģෙāļą්āļąේ āļąැāļි āļąිāˇා! So you start to pretend that you are alright, and you start to dismiss all those unanswerable repititive questions with a fake smile worrying if you didn't, āļ¸ේ āļāļුāļģු āˇෙāļŊා āļāļą්āļą āļ§ිāļ āļ¯ෙāļąāļ් āļāļēාāˇ āļ¯ාāļŊා āļēāļēි āļිāļēāļŊා, āļāļēාāļේ explanations and behaviours are getting so old āļිāļēāļŊා āˇිāļāļŊා! āļāļ continue āļāļąාāļ¸ āļ mechanism āļāļ āļොāļŠාāļ් āļāˇ්āˇāļģāˇāļ§ āļāļąāˇා! āļāļිāļą් āļāļēා āļāļąිāļēෙāļ¸ āļąැāļි āˇැāļ¸ āˇෙāļŊේāļ¸ āļāļą්āļąේ āļļොāļģුāˇāļ§ āˇිāļąා āˇෙāļŊා! āļāļ āļ āļą්āļිāļ¸āļ§ āļāļēා āļ¯āļą්āļąෙāļąāļ¸ āļąැāļුāˇ āļāļŊිāļēāļ§ āļļāˇිāļ¯්āļ¯ිāļ¸ āˇෙāļąāˇා! āļāļ් āļāļ āļāļēා āļ¯āļą්āļąේ āļąැāļි āļāļąාāļ§ āļොāļŠාāļ් exhausting! āļāļිāļą් āļāļēේ āļāļąි āļāļą āļāļ¸āļą්, āļෙāļ¯āļģ āļāļ´ු āļāļ¸āļą් āļ āˇිāļąාāˇ āļąිāļāļą්āļ¸ āļąැāļි āˇෙāļŊා āļ āļģ fed up āļāļą mood āļāļ āļāļŊිāļēāļ§ āļāļąāˇා! āļāļāļēි āļāˇාāļą් āļāļē āļĸීāˇිāļේ āļ¯ාāļŊා āļēāļą āļ āļē āļොāļŠāļ්āļ¸ āˇිāļąා āˇෙāˇී āˇāļුāļ§ිāļą් āˇිāļ§āļ´ු āļ āļē āļිāļēāļŊා āļāļēාāļŊāļෙ closeāļ¸ āļ āļēāļ් āļිāļēāļą්āļąේ! āļāļāļ§ āļāˇ āˇේāļු āļිāļēෙāļąāˇා, āļāļēාāļŊා āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇා āļොāļŠාāļ් āļ¸ිāļąිāˇ්āˇු āˇිāļąා āˇෙāļŊා āˇිāļ§ිāļēāļ§ āļāļēාāļŊා āļāļුāļŊෙāļą් suffer āļāļģāļąāˇා āļිāļēāļŊා, they know how painful and untolerable it in the first hand too! So they try to keep others happily even if they couldn't do it for themselves! āļ āļāļēාāļේ empathy āļāļāļēි, āļ āļąිāļ් āļ āļēāļේ emotions read āļāļģāļą්āļą āļිāļēෙāļą ability āļāļāļēි āļāļ්āļ āļāļą āļāˇා! āļ¯ැāļą් āļāˇා āˇේāļģāļ¸ āļ´āļ§āļŊැāˇිāļŊිāļŊා āļීāļą්āļąේ! āļāˇා āļāļ්āļොāļ¸ āļ āļ´ි address āļāļģāļ¸ු āļāˇ්āˇāļģāˇāļ§ āļāļą āļ¸ාāˇ āˇāļēේāļ¯ී! Im so excited Ishan! You should be too! āļ āļ´ි āļෝāļ¸ āˇāļģි āļොāļŠ āļāļ¸ු! I'm so grateful i met you out of all the people in here! āļāļිāļą් āļ´āļģිāˇ්āˇāļ¸ිāļą් āļāļą්āļą! āļ āļ´ි āļāļēේ āˇෙāļ§ āˇāļ¸්āļļ āˇෙāļąāļāļą්!!!"
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Bupkis (2023) - III
Im always confused why nothing really works out for me you know!?
It’s my fucking fault! I act like a fucking cunt,
and so many people have seen me in a
really bad way, and that’s, like, hard to live with you know!
It’s getting fucking really old,
You know what i mean?
I’m literally everything i hate!
I’m like, if i wasn’t me,
me and my boys would be making fun of me!
We’d be like, look at that fucking tool dude!
And i, just, i feel like im running out of options man!
Bupkis (2023) - II
Pete’s Friend:
I worry about you to a level that i don’t worry about you anymore
I have worried about you so much, so deeply, for so many late nights, now that I don’t worry about you anymore dude!
Bupkis (2023)
Pete’s Mom:
You know when i read that story (Pete’s fake death news) why it wrecked me? Because i immediately believed it! It’s like the thing that you always knew was gonna happen, had finally happened! You cant imagine what it’s like to live like this Pete! Do you have any idea how hard it is to be your mother?
A Real Pain (2024) - II
what are you gonna do?
Oh, man! Why the fuck you asking me that?
I wanna make sure you're good and that you have, like, a plan!
Sorry, maybe I'm a little stoned.
I'm sorry!
No. It's all right. And, like, what are you
gonna do when you go home?
I don't know. Go back to, like, my job and my family I guess! The usual.
Great. I look forward to
speaking to you in six months.
What does that mean?
You know what it means, man.
Do I?
I don't really wanna start anything.
Okay, good. Then don't!
You used to be fucking different, man!
You used to be so emotional.
You used to fucking cry about everything, man.
Yeah, I know. It was awful. Who the fuck wants to cry about everything?
Dave, man, you're not fucking listenin' to
me, man. I'm saying that we used to be
different. Like, "we."
Yeah. Benji, I have, like, a job and a family.
Mm. I know.
And I don't have time to hang out with you
all night, every night, okay?
I don't fucking want that.
Yes, you do. You're, like, an all-
encompassing person.
I don't think you realize that.
Man, I'm just saying, like, you, like...
literally never visit me.
What, in...
Sorry, you mean in Binghamton?
Yeah, man, that's where I live.
Well, yeah, I'm busy, okay?
And I live in New York City. Isn't it easier for
you to come down to me?
Easier? It's the same fucking distance,
Yeah, but it's New York City, man. It's, like,
the more logical place to visit than fucking Binghamton, with all due respect.
What's wrong with Binghamton?
Nothing is wrong with Binghamton.
You are, like, purposefully making me look
like an asshole for questioning it.
Yo, fuck off, dude.
You fuck off.
Why don't you give a shit about me anymore?
I do give a shit about you.
I just don't understand [tearfully] how you
could do anything so fucking stupid to yourself…
Dave, man.
Benji, I, like... I walk around with, like, this terrible fucking image of you in my head, okay?
And, yeah, I don't...
I don't wanna lose you, okay?
Do you see how people love you?
Do you see what happens when you walk into a room? I would give anything to know
what that feels like.
But you light up a room and then you, like,
shit on everything inside of it."
A Real Pain (2024) - I
What a troubled young man!
He's funny and he's charming under all the mishegoss. I feel bad for him. Has he always been like this?
Yeah. I mean, he's always been, up and down, you know?
Like, he's sensitive and he sees people so clearly!
But then something inside him switches and he gets so emotional!
Well, he's clearly in pain.
Yeah, but isn't everyone in pain in some way? I mean, who isn't...
Well, you seem okay.
I'm not, though. I'm not!
I just, like, take a pill for my fucking OCD,
you know?
And I jog and I meditate, and I go to work in the morning, come home at the end of the day, and I, like, move forward, you know!?Because I know that my pain is unexceptional,
So I don't feel the need to, like, I don't know, burden everybody with it, you know?
I'm sorry, I'm ranting!
I'm just, like... [breath shudders] I don't know. Um... Sorry.
I'm just, so fucking exhausted by him sometimes, you know, like, I... [voice quivering] I... I love him and I hate him
and I want to kill him, and at the same time,
I want to be him, you know?
And I feel, like, so stupid around him, you know?
Because he is so fucking cool, and he just does not give a shit.
And then... just, like, being here with him is just so fucking baffling to me, you know?
It's just baffling 'cause it's, like, how did this guy come from the survivors of this place, you know?
I mean that your uncle had to sell, like, used furniture to rich assholes or, like, couldn't get into medical school.
And that you survived, like, the worst thing to happen on this planet in the last 30 years. And that our grandma survived
by a thousand miracles when the entire world was trying to kill her, you know?
And I look at him and I just, like, wanna ask him...
I just wanna ask him, and I just can't.
Like... Like, how did the product of a
thousand fucking miracles overdose on a
bottle of sleeping pills?
Yeah, he tried to...take his own life Like, six months ago.
My Aunt Leah, His (Benji's) mom, found him on the couch.
And I know he is so funny and so charming. And you are all gonna walk away with
this picture which he totally is in so many good ways!
But when I picture him, it is him passed out on a ratty basement couch while I am in New York City with my beautiful wife
and adorable child, and it just fucking kills me."
I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...
āļ¸ිāļąිāļ්āļුāˇ āļාāļąේ āˇිāļ āļāļුāļŊේ āļ´ිāļģෙāļą darkest fucked up thoughts āļ§ිāļ āļāļ්āļොāļ¸ āļෝāļ¸ āˇāļģි āļāļŊුāˇ āļāļුāļŊේ āˇāļ¯ාāļāļ්āļ Black Coloured Container āļ´ෙāļ§්āļ§ිāļēāļ āļ´ුāļģāˇ āļ´ුāļģ...
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