Monday, July 24, 2017

That Wall....

She is this cute smartass lass
Who doesn't show any of her deep dark playful desires
Or the pains that make her suffer
& make her cry some nights to sleep... 
To any of her amigos... 
There is this thick badass wall
Which she has built up around her,
Which makes her mind and heart
Impenetrable by any form of the cupid himself... 
Yet sometimes
She becomes mad
When some lunatic calls out for her past
And one could win her trust back
By really understanding and treating her
The way a caring big brother
Treats his loving adorable little sister...
And Yea someone did...
Someone won her trust and she gave all of her to him,
Trusting him to keep that faith and to live as lovers do...
But alas,
He fucked it up,
He betrayed her trust in himself...
So she lamented and felt ashamed of herself
For trusting another guy and
For letting him to move inside those walls
Without having the slightest clue
That he is gonna make her feel this way someday... 

So she builds that wall heavier than before 
& strengthens it in a way that
Noone could ever penetrate it 
Neither from outside nor from inside... 
Not even herself would ever be able
To let down that wall ever again....


Living in isolation...
Travelling alone, 
Visiting new Places,
Experiencing new feelings...
God, sometimes i think it is the life a man could enjoy, than going out and talking bullshit with fake People!!!
When your trusted ones aint around you anymore
There is only one soul u cud trust, to hangout, to have a sincere talk with...
That's noone else, but you
You know everything about yourself, you are the only one who knows exactly what's going on in ur life, how you cope up with the shit that world throws at you
These isolated times let you to cruise thru this deep and calm analysis of ur inner soul
To think of all the wrong decisions you've made recently, not to regret and moan but to ponder about how they all went wrong and to remake them plans!!!
And to think of the universe beyond & yonder your perception!!!! 
That is not killing or wasting time, but nourishing your soul with the solitude and peace which are lack and cannot be found around the world you are living in today!!!
So no, it aint pathetic for u to stay apart and disconnect with the fake people from your soul once in a while...
It is you feeding your soul with good vibes and conversing with your old soul which has travelled across bilions of eras and to seek advice from its very own experiences from his own ere lives...

Hey Old Man...

Hey old man, i dunno what ur story is...
Maybe u were a veteran who made sure we lived a life without having to worry about those terrible terrorists
Maybe u were a farmer who harvested food for us to dine happily with our families,
Maybe u were a man who had so many hardships in ur ere life and now jz reliving in those hardships u had to go thru...
Maybe, just maybe u were just an ordinary man who did lead a peaceful suffering less life and still a happy old man...,
Yet when i saw u, when i saw ur visage, i was sure u were waiting for someone in that bus stop, not for just a bus to come along to fetch u home...
Cuz the way u kept staring at nowhere, the way u sighed at the sight of young men and women... um sure they took u down a memory lane that did fetch u to ur younger years... i hope u were waiting for ur child to come to fetch u and i truly hope that he/she sure will show up infronta u...that is my wish for you old man... 
so that u wont have to worry and think of ur younger years but to live with him in his younger years... i really hope it was all u hope for and that it would make u real happy!!!! 💜💜💜

Beauty & Me

Her cute giggles and smiles, quench my tearless dried tired eyes 
Without the minute effort
Her irressistible dulcet lustful cheerful voice, fills my bored still monotonous ears, 
Like if the elixir is being poured into a desereted man in a blazing fatal desert
The incomparable unique beauty in her physique, makes it beat my dried up, bloodless liveless heart so fast, 
Like a crimson la ferrari does in a race track
Her infant like pure plus everlasting innocent soul, lightens up my darkned,hopeless, helpless soul
Her exceeding, never ending patience plus kindness of a goddess, is the lullaby to my bad tempered, hatred,impatient thoughts
Her intellectual, smart, cheerful and witty mind, my confused shitlessly scared worried mind
Her soft and warm, divinely smooth skin, my rough and cold, cruelly hardened palms
Her crimson luscious fleshy lips my somking darkendd dried up lips...

Dude, iv gotta find this lass man...  ðŸ˜‚😂😂

An Irish Wish 💜❤️💜

I wish not a path devoid of clouds,
Nor a life on a bed of roses;
Not that you might never regret
Not that you should never feel pain
No!!! That is not my wish for you!!! 
My wish for you is;
That you might be brave in times of trial, 
When others lay crosses upon your shoulders, 
When mountains must be climbed and chasms are to be crossed, 
When hope scarce can shine thru
That every gift god gave you might grow along with you... 
And let you give the gift of joy, to all who care for you, 
That you may always have a FRIEND who is worth that name, 
Whom you can trust, 
And who helps you in times of sadness!!!


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...