Tuesday, August 15, 2017


It can make u feel alive
It can give meaning to your life
A reason for you to live,
To carry on... 
Yet, it is lethal...
For HOPE could leave you devastated when it goes sideways... 
Cuz that hope... 
Maybe it was all you've left with to live for...
So when that HOPE is gone too, 
You become HOPELESS,
And you'll feel worthless,
Cuz you'll have nothing to live for anymore... 
Yet deep inside,
Your soul will still keep trynna search
Reach for A NEW HOPE... 
But when it hits you that, 
You could only find a new HOPE
Which would leave you in this same exact 
Devastated state again... 
Where you will be left to regret for life...
You force your soul to give in to the "bliss" of HOPELESSNESS...
And it does...
It gives up searching for HOPE...
And You become HOPELESS for eternity...
And You'll become a would be suicide...
A walking corpse... 
A Living Corpse 😂


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...