Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Depression has a different quality
Than the normal range of
Boredom and sadness that you may feel throughout the day.
When you are depressed
You do not feel like being with anybody.
Not even Yourself...
You either sleep way more than usual
Or you can hardly sleep at all...
Similarly, your appetite is
Either nonexistent
Or increases dramatically.
Your energy level goes way down,
And you have this feeling of hopelessness about life...


Reality Is a Regime - Of my Darkest dreams;
Them merciless dreams - Nurture my silent yet evil screams...
Trynna Hold On - But The fight is nearly gone...
Ain't too strong - Can't hang in here no more.
The hell im in - Is far too deep
I hate everything - Even the person im being
It's hard to believe - That this is me.
I never saw myself falling to the blade,
Making friends with a knife,
Always ending up with a sigh,
Looking like a lunatic so naive,
To the whole world outside...
But self-loathing and hate,
Make me hide in shades.
Darkest Emotions do raide - They make all my attempts go invain
My Prayers are slayed - I aint got no aid
I'd trade anything to feel something great
Hence come the cravings for blades...
Hurt and confused - Broke and bruised...
Painted wrists with a fainted soul,
Shivering wrists with a blood filled bowl,
Reddened eyes with blood pumped veins,
Widened eyes so full of rage,
Sleepless eyes so full of hate,
Fucked up life of a miserable soul,
Stuck in a loop til he gets this one phone call,
From the death itself so he can go...


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...