Saturday, May 5, 2018

Feeling Worthless

Total worthlessness; Whole selfloathness...
Fucking Helplessness; Complete Hopefulness of Hopelessness ...
A Life of Meaningless; A mind Full of Life's Meaninglessness,
Mindfulness of Livelessness; Concentration on hatefulness
A Life Full of a Bunch of Regrets
A Body Full of Self Inflicted Wounds
A Soul Full of Shame and Humiliation

Living for the Sake of Them; Whom i Adore Without Conditions...

Eventhough i loath myself,
Even i don't love myself,
And even my life aint worth living;
Living for the ones i Love is worth!
So it makes it even as if i loved my life,
And it is  worth living for!
Yet, that doesn't mean that i enjoy it myself;
For it really is a living hell,
For most of'em don't even know it
And sometimes they think that
You are sick in the head!


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...