Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Caller Assistant 😂

When u phone the insurance company to claim ur insurance, and a lustful female voice picks up the phone and when she asks ur email address and when you spell it out and when she wants to make sure she takes it down right, so she asks you which one is it Mr. iShan,  
S for sex or L for Love 
and then again 
M for Maleclap or N for Naughty!??? 

Well, i could think of so many simple words that begins with M, yet, MaleClap!? Wtf was she referring to!!! As i know maleclap is.... shit mate, she is one nasty funny assistant with a dulcet voice 😂😅😅💜💜💜

Feeling Nothing

I never knew or believed that this feeling of feeling nothing towards someone or something did exist... since recently i discovered that very feeling does indeed exist!!!
Now; there are people ... who i dont give a shit about... when i say i dnt give a shit... i really mean it! Whether they become the richest men in the world... or whether they were murdered in a brutal way after some kinda torturing... i really aint gonna feel anything for their lives... i know it seems impossible... cuz as humans we feel things and seeing someone dies or dead... it makes us sick worried, Even if we were complete strangers right!!?? But believe me, it is same with me for the rest of the world except for these few people! What happens with them, what happens in their lives, whether they are sooo happy or, whether they are real sad and feeling suicidal, is literally irrelevant to me, i just dnt give a flying fuck!!! To be exact, those characters dont exist in the universe that is perceived by my senses!!! Lol
It's soo bizzare and hard to believe... once were bossom amigos, now not even enemies... 😂😂😂

Knowing that feeling's existence makes me think that if it does exist, there maybe people who feel about me in the exact same way... i mean i already know one!!! Shit mate!!! Damn!!!! I fucking hate knowing it!!! And this stupid heartless feeling!!! Fuckkkk!!! 


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...