Wednesday, November 13, 2013

 CrAzY MorNiNgS

Every single freaking morning,
I wake up by my own self with mourning
Without her on my bed by my side it’s so boring
So um yawning plus groaning!!!
She keeps me ignoring
She’ll never sleep beside me, oh god this feels so crazy!!
Sometimes um just wondering
Maybe, she’s thinking the same thing
WTF am I thinking
She’ll neva eva think of me
If she does, she must be crazy
Oh god why is this happening!?
To think like this, I must be the one who’s crazy!
Oh My Gosh!! I do think like this daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Abduction Of My Imagination

Screw this Temptation
It stirs my Sensation
Increases my Tension
It’s just keep pushing me towards Depression
I Guess, always the Damnation
Reigns ‘round this Situation
The propagation of the days
Since you came to our section
Made me Impatient
Increased my Inspiration
Decreased my Patience
Made me an addict
Yes I've got an Addiction upon your Attraction
Made me see Illusions plus Delusions
But I swear, this ain’t an Obsession
Yeah ad finem you made me a Patient without any Patience
it’s like a freaking Infection
Feels like I’ve got Detention
I always tried to get your freaking Attention upon my Damnation
Cus it was neva Enough
Yes it was always Insufficient
To see that Radiation plus Illumination of your Divine sight
I was always trynna make an Appreciation
Of your beauty plus crimson lips,
Yes they seemed like Goddess Venus’s Creations
But alas! At last you made me lost with no Direction
I did many mumfreaking Sacrifications plus Dedications
I let my personality sink in Humiliation
But I didn’t get a nice Reaction
You neither showed me a good Impression
Nor an Impression of Prevention
Plus nor an Expression of Depression of my Present
You made me keep away from M _ _ _ _ _ _ ation
I Do Woo thee my li’l Angel
You’re so Passion-ate plus Fashion-ate
Yeah ain’t got an Expression to express the beauty of you, my pretty li’l Damnation
E’ery second of your Absentia gives me Nausea
Now um stuck in the middle of this Confusion
It is freaking confusing plus consuming my restless plus relentless mind
Yeah the Complication of this complicating enigma makes me Anxious and makes me suffer from kinda Irritation
Now I ain’t got a Solution
Cus my Imagination is way beyond the Limitations of the Traditions of old freaking Generation
It’s just the Discrimination between the gaps of our Ages
The Realization i.e. you ain’t my Possession
Makes it feel like the Gravitation ‘round me moves towards  Expansion
Oh gosh!
The Consumption of my mind makes me commit self Penetration
And causes me suffer from Suffocation, Asphyxiation plus Humiliation
I do not know where will be my mumfreaking Destination;
But I do know that it won’t be a Distinction
But still you’re a grand Creation of Goddess Venus my angel!!!!!!!!!!!!

 ✒️  iP
During GCE ALs General English Examination (Aug 2011)


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...