Saturday, January 2, 2016

Love is Love

Just fuck this society - It DOES increase my anxiety!
Yeah, the traditions - Plus the regulations
Which reign all over the globe
Shit, they are disgusting - plus discriminating
Yeah, they’re badly infecting – plus affecting
Overwhelming – plus cruelly effecting upon the deed of LOVE!
The barrier between the ages – makes me wanna take the rages
The Discrimination based on the races makes me dump my faeces on their faces
And spit on their graces
I jz wanna erase the memory traces of race based discriminations
And embrace all the races without hesitation with zero racism
The wall between castes makes my heart blast and I grasp into my life without letting out my last gasp thinking how primitive creatures we still are!!!
“My God is better Than Yours…” Hence comes the discrimination of religion as we ain’t got a smidgen of a complete human brain!!!
Gay marriages…
God, Someone’s bae’s being a same sex person…
That doesn't make'em criminals and it ain’t a fucking crime but LOVE!!!
Who are we to judge’em except for learn a lesson of true love from'em…
Learn the fact that love knows no boundary but the fact that it’s universal….
Fuck this society;
There ain’t no God nor an Almighty to judge anyone here!!! 
It’s just a dynasty of hypocrisy with crazy arsed lunacy without any sanity!!!
I mean this is a dreadful tragedy – it’s just the damnity
This makes the whole world go misty   plus  hazy !!!!!!!


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...