Tuesday, April 12, 2016

From Bhaanu to iP,

To IP...

I miss you so much !!!!
I miss discussing all those crazy things and deep shit !!!
How we change topics yet we both are interested in equally ..
How we love to share our thoughts and listen to the other one..
How we discuss about the people we love , I know we both went through some extraordinary love stories but never regret..
And how we don't judge the other one ..
Both still trying to figure out what life is, and think like we should die young cause lot of people just judge us but don't try to understand!!
May be we don't have to understand what life is,but keep moving forward and always expect the unexpected!!!
we don't meet often ,may be just like once or twice a year but still we know each other !!!!
People may tell lighting a cigarette and have a beer is a too bad thing to do, but i swear i love to have some beer with a cigarette and talking to you ,cause that makes more sense than be surrounded by fake people who don't give a shit about others !!!
Anyway keep in mind ,there is always hope...
I'm so glad to be your friend !!!

-extracted from FaceBook-

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I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...