Sunday, June 30, 2019

Thanky For Taking Me Back to 90's... Giving Me a Chance to Relive One Good Old Day 🙏

Dear Brother,
It's been like a decade  since i got to talk with you and listen to you like the good old brothers we were!
And i don't know whether you know this,
But I'v been wanting and longing for a day like that since the  day we hit the adolescent!
Somehow, somewhere between with you've been busy & me being a total mess i missed it!!!
I missed it so bad!
The company of my big brother!!!
So there we were, sipping beer at a lake which' was constructing under your supervision,
Smoking hella lot of fags and different exotic dishes of bites from Padaviya!
Even if 'twas just for a day, it made me feel good for a lifetime!
So dear brother...
Thank you for all your affection, caring and hospitality!!!
I really had an awesome & a relaxed time!!!
& with what's going on in my life in these shitty times i really needed that!
I needed someone i trusted with my life, to talk to and to share!
And it did good for my fucked up mind!!!
I only wish if there were Sachiyah and if it were more than a day!!!
But no regrets, i enjoyed every second of that day & i owe you for all those things & for who i am today!!! Thank you soo very much big bro 😘💜️
'Til next time 🍻

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

For The Great Wanderess She Is... 💚💚💚

She was not familiar with borders,
And she did not care about any of them rules or customs...
For her,
The concept of 'Time' wasn't something to fight against...
She wud wander where her heart demands
Her heart wud flood with euphoria when she gets there...
Her world had neither a past nor a future,
It was jz the moment she was living in right then did she care...
She was living in the first day of creation where time was zero...
Eventhough she had to spent her time inside campus walls,
She was born a 'wanderess'
Nor money,
Nor status,
Nor nothing mattered to her wilderness
She cared only about the happiness of her soul...
Whether it came from a Mercedes or from a beautiful li'l stream of pure sparkling water,
'Twas all the same to her!!!
She was a free soul,
Dancing her heart out
By herself
No matter where she goes She wud find strangers, meet friends & wud learn things
& she wud find ways
To fit them into her own world!!!
She would implore skies with her stretched hands towards the zenith
She wud explore lands with her gentle yet beautifully curved firm legs
And capture all the vistas and wonders with her two big beautiful eyes
She knew she was gorgeous
& men wud fight for her for who she was
& for what she's got...
Beauty, intelligence, smartness and everything...
But deep down she was a wanderess
& she wanted to get away from all that,
Cuz she did not understand  that materialistic world
Which other people believed so desperately
Even by compromising & sacrificing their own happiness!!!
She loved nature,
For she knew,
For mountains & wildlings
She was a nobody,
She ain't a role,
And she bore no status
Nor responsibility among'em,
She knew, for them,
She was just a free soul who tread among them vast greenery scenerios,
She wud walk alone,
Across meadows through forests,
She wud swim across lakes and hike & reach them tops of waterfalls
She wud feel all the sharp stones underneath her gentle feathery feet
She wud caress and feel the grass with her mild finger tips,
She wud fill her lungs with pure and refreshing winds of air
Letting cascade and cover her forehead with kisscurls of her raven hair
She will always be a child at her heart
Who wud always be marvelled & amazed by all these simple yet beautiful greenery sights
She never knew fear; for bravery was in her bones...
She was a mischievous lass
Who was obedient & would bow her head only to climate and weather!
Oh thee beautiful wayfarer
i wish i cud see the world thru thy starlets like eyes... 🙈🖤🙈


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...