Sunday, June 30, 2019

Thanky For Taking Me Back to 90's... Giving Me a Chance to Relive One Good Old Day 🙏

Dear Brother,
It's been like a decade  since i got to talk with you and listen to you like the good old brothers we were!
And i don't know whether you know this,
But I'v been wanting and longing for a day like that since the  day we hit the adolescent!
Somehow, somewhere between with you've been busy & me being a total mess i missed it!!!
I missed it so bad!
The company of my big brother!!!
So there we were, sipping beer at a lake which' was constructing under your supervision,
Smoking hella lot of fags and different exotic dishes of bites from Padaviya!
Even if 'twas just for a day, it made me feel good for a lifetime!
So dear brother...
Thank you for all your affection, caring and hospitality!!!
I really had an awesome & a relaxed time!!!
& with what's going on in my life in these shitty times i really needed that!
I needed someone i trusted with my life, to talk to and to share!
And it did good for my fucked up mind!!!
I only wish if there were Sachiyah and if it were more than a day!!!
But no regrets, i enjoyed every second of that day & i owe you for all those things & for who i am today!!! Thank you soo very much big bro 😘💜️
'Til next time đŸģ

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