Tuesday, April 12, 2016


When they have no options left but to stay away from their home-place...
When the ‪#‎Academic_Stress rises up above their zenith...
When the academic staff puts so much pressure and keep pressing on'em so hard without any mercy on their ‪#‎Young_Souls ...
There comes a breaking point in each and every young soul...
So These young men tend to do ‪#‎Things ...
#Things that they get ‪#‎addicted to!!!
Sports, Clubs & Societies, Designing Things, Making Robots or Quad-copters, playing COD from dusk 'till dawn until their laptops get overheated and even after that, Taking Night Strolls with friends, Going out to dine with friends, Trynna find The ‪#‎perfect_soul_mate, or just ‪#‎Hitchhiking ‪#‎till_the_graduation or at least trynna find a seat next to a girl before a long and boring lecture ... , ‪#‎Midnight phone calls that last till dawn..., Having Li'l picnics and evening strolls in #‎LoversLane‬... , having  ‪#‎Beer with good friends, having a drink with buddies... And most infamous method in ‪#‎College_Life...
Hanging out and have puffs of fags and other ‪#‎Green_Stuff with amigos...
So they do these #Things !!! For the inner Peace of their souls!
Well; hell !!!
Some of'em aint proud of saying out loud!!!
But still no one can judge'em or criticize'em for doing any of'em... Unless they are gonna OD themselves by over doing bad shit!!!

When they have no options left but to stay away from their homeplace...When the ‪#‎Academic_Stress‬ rises up above their zeniths...When the aca staff put pressure and keep pressing on'em so hard without any mercy on their ‪#‎Young_Souls‬ ... There comes a breaking point in every young soul...So These young men tend to do ‪#‎Things‬ ...#Things that they get ‪#‎addicted‬ to!!!Sports, Clubs & Societies, Designing Things, Making Robots or Quadcopters, playnig COD til laptops get overheated and even after that, Taking Night Strolls with friends, Going out to dine with friends,Trynna find The ‪#‎perfect_soul_mate‬, or jz ‪#‎HitchHiking‬ ‪#‎til_the_graduation‬ or atleast trynna find a seat next to a girl before lectures ... , ‪#‎Midnight‬ phone calls that last till dawn..., Having Li'l picnics and evening strolls in‪#‎LoversLane‬... , having a ‪#‎Beer‬ with good friends, having a drink with buddies... And most infamous method in ‪#‎College‬ life... Hanging out and have puffs of fags and other ‪#‎Green_Stuff‬ with amigos...So they do those #Things !!!Well; hell !!! Some of'em aint proud of saying out loud!!!But still noone can judge'em or critizice'em for doing any of'em... Unless they are gonna OD themselves by over doing bad shit 😉

From Bhaanu to iP,

To IP...

I miss you so much !!!!
I miss discussing all those crazy things and deep shit !!!
How we change topics yet we both are interested in equally ..
How we love to share our thoughts and listen to the other one..
How we discuss about the people we love , I know we both went through some extraordinary love stories but never regret..
And how we don't judge the other one ..
Both still trying to figure out what life is, and think like we should die young cause lot of people just judge us but don't try to understand!!
May be we don't have to understand what life is,but keep moving forward and always expect the unexpected!!!
we don't meet often ,may be just like once or twice a year but still we know each other !!!!
People may tell lighting a cigarette and have a beer is a too bad thing to do, but i swear i love to have some beer with a cigarette and talking to you ,cause that makes more sense than be surrounded by fake people who don't give a shit about others !!!
Anyway keep in mind ,there is always hope...
I'm so glad to be your friend !!!

-extracted from FaceBook-

A Reply From iP to Bhaanu...

I miss those good ol' days too brother,
The small concrete bridge, which lies across our canteen and math section, plus the corridor,
Our usual place where we used to share all those stories, talk about nothing plus everything...
Books, Music, Girls, Love, Movies, People, Life...
Miss'em too damn much Dudy!!!
It's true we don't meet-up that much often like we used to,
But the fact that we are best buddies... it will remain forever and ever brother!!!
It's true that the frequency of those moments a li'l bit above nil,
But we still meet up once in a while through the year buddy,
& yea, to hell with those hypocrites plus ignoramus shitheads,
A best feeling, a best moment of my life is centered 'round a Beer, a cigarette plus a Great Amigo to talk!!!
No matter how weird, stupid, how crazy, how dark or freaking meaningless the story.. we still DO hear each other out man...
No judgments, zero awkwardness but understandings plus funny and serious advises!!!
I think that's the very definition for the word "Friendship" dude!!!
No-matter how long we stay apart, how far we stay apart, no matter what or who we'll become,
We still KIT with each other....
I silently thank our Alma Mater for giving me a friend like you bro!!!!
You are A Brother from another Mother to me man!!! But our Alma Mater is our is our Mother... Hence the the same blood and actual brothers we are!!!
So kit brother!!! Love u so damn much!!!smile emoticon
I dunno about that buds...
HOPE... That's what iv been missing since i got my leaving certificate from school...
This life ain't the life i expected at all!!!
Anyways, with friends like You
I hope, there's still hope man!!!!

-extracted from FaceBook-

Monday, March 28, 2016


I secretly liked to sit beside you honey... 
I used to like the feeling i felt when my heart knew that you were there, right next to me sitting, 
Even though you didn't have the slightest idea that this li'l nerdy looking girl was right next to you...experiencing one of the best feelings she's had in her whole life...!!!
Time flew... So you were the brightest amongst us.... 
You went away, leaving us, leaving me, Where we started right back at the square one... 
Even worse, you left me right after I got my first girly thingy... 
Right after I was about to feel about boys, like a grownup girl... 
I was just about to experience that heart pounding, physique sweating, eyes dilating feeling..., 
Which  they call love i guess, and which I've never felt before, which I still haven't felt even for once in my life despite the fact that now I'm a married woman! 
God, if we were to stay there in our old school, the whole schooling years... I would have been experiencing that Divine feeling since our high school... 
And you will be right here with me right now, with your arms around my belly, 
Face buried in my neck telling me how much you love me... 
I would've caressed you with my palms, my lips and my voice... 
I would've clung into your bare chest, kiss your neck a thousand times... 
You would've been kissing my soft and warm hands with your lips... 
Oh darling this hurts so much... I should be ashamed to think like this, and i know it! 
Every time i think about you in my heart, my mind reminds me the fact that um already married to a person whom i've never seen before but i had to say yes for my dad's proposal... 
Even-though we were a perfect match, i had to marry that stranger 
Who would've been in grade 6 when you and i were seeing the light of this world for the first time... 
I sometimes do wonder why i be with'im when i don't feel a thing for him...
But then again, my dada betrayed my life to this heartless ruthless man 
I have to love him right!? i have to love him despite the fact he always leave me alone in my house whenever i get sick.. despite the fact that he sleeps with many other women... despite the fact he betrays me infront of his colleagues, despite the fact that he blames and hits me for no reason, despite the fact that he makes my life a living hell...
I can't get away from him as this is SL, mama, dada, his relatives... all force me to stay with'im!
Um just a li'l girl who never went out  in my entire life 
So honey the only choice is to live with'im right!? 
My love for you is pure darling
But all i know is...that, it's too late baby... It's way too late...
And here i am regretting, weeping and crying like you....

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Love is Love

Just fuck this society - It DOES increase my anxiety!
Yeah, the traditions - Plus the regulations
Which reign all over the globe
Shit, they are disgusting - plus discriminating
Yeah, they’re badly infecting – plus affecting
Overwhelming – plus cruelly effecting upon the deed of LOVE!
The barrier between the ages – makes me wanna take the rages
The Discrimination based on the races makes me dump my faeces on their faces
And spit on their graces
I jz wanna erase the memory traces of race based discriminations
And embrace all the races without hesitation with zero racism
The wall between castes makes my heart blast and I grasp into my life without letting out my last gasp thinking how primitive creatures we still are!!!
“My God is better Than Yours…” Hence comes the discrimination of religion as we ain’t got a smidgen of a complete human brain!!!
Gay marriages…
God, Someone’s bae’s being a same sex person…
That doesn't make'em criminals and it ain’t a fucking crime but LOVE!!!
Who are we to judge’em except for learn a lesson of true love from'em…
Learn the fact that love knows no boundary but the fact that it’s universal….
Fuck this society;
There ain’t no God nor an Almighty to judge anyone here!!! 
It’s just a dynasty of hypocrisy with crazy arsed lunacy without any sanity!!!
I mean this is a dreadful tragedy – it’s just the damnity
This makes the whole world go misty   plus  hazy !!!!!!!


I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...