Baby, I kw it feels like a lifetime and You've gotta start everything anew!!! It's like You jz have to kill him right!?? You jz can't even think about rebuilding everything from the scratch!!!
All the feelings, all the times, all the efforts You put on him, You put on both of You... You've gotta let go of everything right!?? From each and every birthmark on his body to every little memory of You guys', You've gotta let go...
You see him in everything, everyone...
You see him when You fall asleep, but never to touch and never to keep...
Cuz You love him so much and You dived too deep...
And Darling i knoww, one of the hardest lessons in life is to letting go...
Whether it's guilt, betrayal, love, loss or anger...
Especially love though...
Change is never easy, cuz sometimes We fight to hold on...
And on the other hand We fight to let go... And letting go aint like trynna hold on...
Cuz it ain't a one time thing...
It's something You've gotta do each and every morning, every day...
Over and over again, for the rest of Your life... Till it's gone for good... But for how long...( Till You find another one... Lol)
But Honey holding on is to believe that there's a past...
& letting go is to know that there is a future...
Sometimes We think holding onto something, or someone makes Us strong... But sometimes it is letting go that makes Us stronger...
Pain will leave You someday and memories will replace with new yet better ones
& those old memories will bring You nothing but a little smile to Your lips when You truly let go...
And Little Princess, Letting go doesn’t mean that You don’t care about that someone anymore...
It’s just realizing that the only person You really have control over is Yourself but no one else...
Just demolish all the bridges behind You…then there is no choice but to move forward...
You shud let go of yesterday!!!
Because yesterday has already let go of You, u know...
If love becomes too painful, then it’s time to let that love go and to save Yourself.
You have to keep this in mind because You’ll be able to find another love but not another self of You...
If someone doesn’t care to accept You, respect You, believe in You, don’t hesitate to move on and to let them go.
There are many who love and appreciate You just for the way You are...
Take all the time You need to heal emotionally.
Moving on doesn’t take a day, it takes lots of little steps to be able to break free of Your broken Self.
Letting go may sound so simple to others, but rarely is it a one-time thing.
Just keep letting go, until one day it’s gone for good!
So it's Your choice, let go, or be dragged...
The bottom line is this; when one person stops being a part of your life, another one will come, and will fill that empty space that You thought that none could ever fill again. Leave the ones who left in the past, right where they belong, and never look back...
But Baby whatever happens, whatever decision You have to make... I will always be with You ❤️... I mean it, i mean literally....
I am always gonna be there for You... 😘😘😘
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