Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Reality Is a Regime - Of my Darkest dreams;
Them merciless dreams - Nurture my silent yet evil screams...
Trynna Hold On - But The fight is nearly gone...
Ain't too strong - Can't hang in here no more.
The hell im in - Is far too deep
I hate everything - Even the person im being
It's hard to believe - That this is me.
I never saw myself falling to the blade,
Making friends with a knife,
Always ending up with a sigh,
Looking like a lunatic so naive,
To the whole world outside...
But self-loathing and hate,
Make me hide in shades.
Darkest Emotions do raide - They make all my attempts go invain
My Prayers are slayed - I aint got no aid
I'd trade anything to feel something great
Hence come the cravings for blades...
Hurt and confused - Broke and bruised...
Painted wrists with a fainted soul,
Shivering wrists with a blood filled bowl,
Reddened eyes with blood pumped veins,
Widened eyes so full of rage,
Sleepless eyes so full of hate,
Fucked up life of a miserable soul,
Stuck in a loop til he gets this one phone call,
From the death itself so he can go...

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I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...