Thursday, June 7, 2018

Soldiers 💜💜💜

How the wicked bullet pierced through
His brow which is so brave
His black lit up eyes suddenly lost them sparks;
They froze...
Only her son's bloody beret in her hands, she wept;
Oh Loving Mother as much as I'd love to tell You,
I would be lying to you and to myself,
If i said he would come back to us someday...
Beautiful mother,
Dear mother,
It aint easy...
But He was a man forged in hell fire...
Brave and fought as a Lion,
Helped and lived as a Saint,
Cheerful, Joyess and Mischievous as a Child,
He was the braniac of all our Divisions...
Oh Dear mother,
You have done the perfect job a mother could do
At nurturing Her Boy...
And Dear father...
He fought so well,
It was just his bravery and humanity that got him killed...
He pulled back one of our own young newbloods from death,
He knew he'd have to pay a price by exchanging his life for that new kid's life instead...
But what makes him a saint is that,
The final words he uttered at me just before he went to rescue that kid...
"Dude we have lived and had joyed,
That young kid can't die without having any of those,
He has a long journey ahead of him, maybe way more longer than mine..."
He died our Mentor, our unit's Highest rank...
Please forgive him for making You sad...
And Dear Brother, You have moulded a great brother by standing beside him...
We know that eventhough he had so many brothers in combat,
He had a very special place in His heart for the brother You were...
And Dearest Brother, i know that You've got only this man
To call and cherish as Your Brother, i know mate,
You share all his childhood memories,
And now, you have noone to reminisce and share them with...
And it sucks...
I know that...
But Be brave little fella,
Be more prouda of being
The little brother of this man of steel
With a heart full of kindness...
And dear Sister...
He was always crazy about You,
How You were being the greatest wife a woman could make...
How much of a role model You were, when it came to raising Your kids as a mother...
Dear Sister...
I know You'd cry alone for years...
Til the day you die...
May them be, tears of proud, happy about him, as much as they would be tears of sadness...
We are always here,
Thousands of his brothers...
Hence Your brothers...
Even you get a different family name in future...
We will still be
At Your service our ever loving sister...
He always wanted the best for you...
You ain't alone...
His spirit will always be with You...
Blessing and protecting You...
Oh my dearest cute little sons of a gun...
Your dad...
He was the definition of a Real Life Hero...
Just remember that...
Whenever you need someone...
Your uncles with uniforms as ones like Your heroic Dad used to wear,
Will be just one phone call away...
We will always be there for You Little Buddy...
If You want us to be at a fight against some asshole,
If You want us to be at Your bachelor party...
If You wanna raise hell...
We'd always be there for You my son...
And Dearest little Daughter...
If Someone hurts You...
If someone calls You by names...
Your uncles are just one phone call away from You honey...
Be good kids,
Love your mother as much as You'd love your father...
For she fights a fight all alone as great a fight Your Dad fought and died fought...
Make them proud my children...
Make Your Dad proud,
Who died a hero,
Just to save a bunch of other souls...
Who shall live forever in our hearts and minds...

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I remember everything machan. It wasn’t drunk talking. Him passing away after being so close to us and that pain we as friends have gone thr...